How to Prepare Noni Fruit
Things You'll Need
- 20 pounds ripe noni fruit
- Electric food processor
- Plastic 2-gallon container with vented lid
- Sealable bottles
- pH strips and comparison chart
Wash noni fruit thoroughly in warm water. While doing this ensure that all the fruits are yellow. Any green ones should be discarded, as they will not yield much juice.
Cut the fruits into quarters and pulp them in the food processor. You will have to do this in several batches, emptying the pulped fruit into the plastic drum each time.
Close the drum and leave to ferment for about eight weeks. This will separate the juice from the pulp and give the juice its characteristic taste.
Test the pH of your juice, with pH strips that can be purchased at health stores and online. They usually come with a comparison chart. The pH level of fermented noni juice should be close to about 4. If it is too acidic, an alkali such as baking soda will reduce the acidity. Add this gradually, stirring and testing until you reach the right pH and taste.
Pour juice into bottles, making an effort to avoid any pulp. Properly sealed, the fermented noni juice can be kept for as long as two years.