How to Use More of Your Brain
Change your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These complex carbohydrates contain glucose, which fuel your brain to produce energy throughout the day. They are vital for thought and memory. Eat protein that is low in fat, such as fish and lean meats. These proteins also act as fuel for your brain.
Do aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and has been shown to improve brain function. Aerobic activity such as jogging, biking or using the elliptical machine can help you use more of your brain.
Do a crossword puzzle. Puzzles stimulate the brain and keep it working to stay in shape. Read something you normally wouldn't read, learn a new instrument or volunteer for community work. New activities will help your brain stay sharp and improve function.
Organize your home and your activities. Schedules help your memory, save time and allow you to use your brain power for activities other than remembering where you left the car keys.