Liquid Vanadium & Diarrhea
Liquid Vanadium
Synthetic vanadium is liquid and ionic in form, usually with a purified water base and sold in 32 Oz bottles. One teaspoon of the solution contains 500 mcg of the mineral. The recommended daily dosage for adults is 1 teaspoon daily and for children under 14, a health care professional should be consulted. Liquid vanadium may be taken with fruit or vegetable juice. This recommended dosage is based on the body's minimum vanadium requirement and so dosage may differ from person to person.
Symptoms of Vanadium Deficiency
If one lacks the necessary amount of vanadium in the body, the human body may undergo certain negative changes, but currently there is no information on deficiencies of vanadium in humans. However, in rats, goats and chicks, a lack of vanadium produced symptoms such as poor development of bones and reproductive system, resulting in an impaired capacity to reproduce. Stunted growth and poor feather development were also noted.
Uses of Liquid Vanadium
Liquid vanadium is primarily used as a treatment for diabetes. Vanadium, along with chromium, helps diabetic patients by aiding insulin in carrying sugar. Recent research shows that vanadium supplements in the form of liquid ionic vanadium can work effectively to control blood sugar levels. Vanadium ingested by diabetics does not show any side effects as such but an overdose may occasionally manifest itself in the form of diarrhea. Diarrhea is loose bowel movements or the lack of consistency of stool.
When vanadium is inhaled, it proves to be more toxic than when taken orally. However, the level of toxicity of vanadium depends on the age and diet, particularly the protein content. When taken in higher doses, people tend to complain of a green tongue or some gastrointestinal problems. In animals, weight loss, dehydration, depressed growth, heart and kidney problems, diarrhea and breathing difficulties are among the effects observed.
Side Effects of Vanadium and Diarrhea
Symptoms of high intake of liquid vanadium include nausea, vomiting, green tongue, stomach pain, gas and particularly diarrhea.
Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms of taking liquid vanadium without the supervision of a health care professional. The probable causes of diarrhea may include the natural chemical toxicity of vanadium, its inhibition of protein synthesis, oxidative damage to cells and its indiscriminate blocking of several essential enzymes.
Vanadium supplements are therefore not recommended without doctor's consultation.