What is the Dr. Sears Elimination Diet?
Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Food allergies occur when the body's immune system reacts to a food that the body believes is harmful and releases antibodies to fight it. Food sensitivities occur when the body cannot tolerate a particular food. Food sensitivities are different from food allergies because they are not connected to the immune system. Common reactions include rashes, hives, migraines, upset stomach or eczema.
Promoted by Dr. Sears, the Elimination Diet is used to determine which foods a person may be allergic too. Initially, all potential foods that may be causing a reaction are eliminated and then foods are slowly reintroduced one at a time into the diet. Parents or adults following the Elimination Diet are recommended to keep a food journal while on the Elimination Diet to help correlate any symptoms to foods that have been consumed.
The Diet
The Elimination Diet takes between seven days to one month to complete. You begin by eliminating from your diet all dairy products, eggs, soy, corn, all processed foods, and gluten products, such as barley, wheat, oats, pasta or rye. In the beginning, you are allowed to eat rice milk, all fruits, fish, chicken, brown rice, potatoes, spelt, buckwheat, rice cheese, millet and all vegetables, except corn, broccoli, cabbage, onions, green peppers and cauliflower. Every few days, slowly reintroduce one eliminated food at a time back into your diet. Sears recommends starting with less commonly allergic foods such as peaches, avocados, grapes, carrots and salmon and then introducing foods that more commonly cause food allergies like nuts, soy and dairy. Dieters are advised to wait several days between introducing food groups to allow for sufficient time for an allergic response, which can take some time to appear.
Symptoms may appear within minutes of ingesting a food that you are allergic to or they may take up to hours or days to appear. Symptoms that may show a food allergy or sensitivity include tingling of the mouth, hives, wheezing, abdominal pain, and swelling of the lips, tongue or throat. In severe food allergies, individuals may experience anaphylaxis, which occurs when the airway is restricted, there is a drop in blood pressure and the individual has a rapid pulse. Emergency treatment is required for anaphlaxis reactions.
When on the Elimination Diet, you have to eliminate all caffeine. For some individuals, this may cause side effects, such as headaches. Additionally, when on the Elimination Diet you must eat a nutritious diet. Due to so many off-limit food groups, it may be difficult for some people to obtain adequate vitamins and nutrients when on the Elimination Diet. If you suffer from a food allergy or sensitivity that is not included in the banned food groups of the Elimination Diet, then this diet may not uncover those food allergies.