Are Cucumber Seeds Bad for Digestion?
Digestive Effects
Cucumbers contain a compound called curcurbatacin, which can sometimes cause them to have a bitter flavor when occuring in high concentrations. More of this compound is usually found in the seeds and skins than the flesh of the cucumber. Curcurbatacin can also cause a phenomenon as cucumber burp in some people, causing them to burp more than usual. This can usually avoided by peeling and seeding cucumbers before eating. Some seed companies have developed varieties with lower levels of curcurbatacin, labeling these varieties burpless. Cucumber burp, while annoying and sometimes discomforting, does not seriously affect digestion.
Nutritive Value
High in vitamins C and A, cucumbers provide several minerals such as magnesium, potassium and silica. They are also high in folate, manganese and molybdenum--minor but essential nutrients. These vegetables are high in dietary fiber, a significant aid to digestion and regularity.
Diuretic Effects of Seeds
Cucumber seeds are slightly diuretic, which helps promote urine flow and stimulates the kidneys to flush wastes and fatty deposits from the body. Diuretics can act to dehydrate the body, but cucumbers' high moisture content makes this of no concern.
Other Uses of Seeds
Cucumber seeds are also used holistically to treat tapeworm infestations and are reputed to have a regenerative effect on the skin.
Seedless Cucumbers
For those who cannot tolerate the effects of curcurbatacin, seedless varieties of cucumber exist, and such seeds are available from many different seed companies. Seedless cucumbers are also available in most supermarkets.