Illinois Link Card Requirements
Illinois residents applying for the Link card are required to fill out an application in which candidates can apply for food, cash and medical benefits. Only food and cash benefits are available via the Link card. Applicants can fill out an application provided at their local DHS office, download an application from the DHS Web site and bring it into the office, or fill out an online application. On the application, Link candidates are required to fill in their name, address, birth date, Social Security number, race, citizenship status, employment status, banking and asset information, the amount of rent, mortgage and utility bills, as well as health insurance information. Applicants must also fill in similar personal information for all members of their household, regardless of whether those family members will also be receiving benefits.
Income Guidelines
The Link card can be set up to provide cash, as well as SNAP benefits. To find out whether applicants qualify for cash benefits, candidates must complete an in-depth interview with a caseworker and may be required to participate in certain employment or education enrichment programs. To receive SNAP benefits from the Link card, applicants must meet specific requirements based on their income and household size. If there is one person in the household, her gross monthly income cannot exceed $1,174. If there are two people in the household, their gross monthly income cannot exceed $1,579. The household and monthly income limits for families with three or more members are as follows: household of three, $1,984; household of four, $2,389; five, $2,794; six, $3,200; seven, $3,605; eight, $4,010; nine, $4,416; ten, $4,822. Households with more than 10 people should add $406 for each additional person.
Documentation Requirements
Regardless of what type of benefits Link applicants are seeking and whether or not they fill out an application in person or online, applicants are required to bring supporting documentation to their caseworker. This includes the birth certificate, Social Security card and government-issued identification for each person in the household assigned to the case, as well as rent receipts, utility bills, employment check stubs, bank statements and any other paperwork required to verify the information submitted in the Link benefits application.
Card Guidelines
Once applicants are approved for and receive their Illinois Link card, recipients are required to follow certain guidelines or suffer applicable consequences. SNAP benefits on the Link card are not to be used to purchase hot foods ready to eat, foods that are meant to be heated inside the store, lunch counter items or foods meant to be eaten inside the store, vitamins, medicine, pet food, non-food items with the exception of plants and seeds, alcohol, or tobacco. The card is also not be misused in any way, including the sale of SNAP benefits for a cash exchange.