Nori DHA EPA Nutritional Information
Omega-3 Fats and Diet
Omega-3 fats EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are essential to growth and optimal body functioning, researchers say. The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish each week in order to receive a sufficient amount of these fats. Fish get their EPA and DHA content by feeding on several species of the algae family used to produce nori.
Nori Production
Nori farmers harvest the sea vegetable during the winter months after cultivating several species of the Porphyra family of red algae, which draw the nutrients from the ocean. Upon processing into Nori sheets, the reddish-purple color of the algae changes to black. Toasting nori produces the dark green sheets for sale in packages in Asian markets. Nori, also known as laver, is cultivated and produced in several regions of the world. John and Jan Belleme, in their book "Japanese Foods That Heal," say that the best Nori comes from the Sendai region of Japan.
Nori's EPA and DHA Content
The amount of EPA and DHA in a sheet of Nori varies with the level of nutrients in the ocean while the algae grows. Even so, nutritionists have recommended the sea vegetable as an alternative to eating fish or supplementing with fish oils to obtain the recommended dietary levels of these fats. Evelyn Tribole, author of "The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet," recommends at least 220 mg each of EPA and DHA daily. Ryan Drum, a researcher with a doctoral degree in botany, suggests consuming one ounce of a combination of dried red and brown algae a week to get beneficial amounts of omega-3 fats and other nutrients.
EPA, DHA and Health
EPA and DHA maintain the structure of individual cell membranes to facilitate the ability of cells to accept nutrients, expel wastes and produce energy. Researchers say EPA supports manufacture of substances that fight inflammation, regulate the digestive and immune systems, and have an impact on kidney function, breathing, blood flow and cholesterol levels. DHA helps produce and regulate chemicals that affect growth and development of the brain, support and maintain healthy vision, and regulate emotional health.
Additional Nutrients
Nori has levels of vitamins A. B, C and E, and minerals iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron that surpass the content of these nutrients in land plants. The sea vegetable is high in fiber and, researchers say, the protein content of nori can represent one-third to one-half of its dry weight.