Magnesium Chloride & Health
Green vegetables, legumes, unrefined grains and nuts are the natural sources of magnesium chloride. Consumption of a variety of these sources usually meets the daily dietary requirement.
Key Component for Good Health
Magnesium deficiency, although not widespread, exhibits symptoms including appetite loss, fatigue, general debility and nausea. Severe deficiency may impair nervous and muscular functioning, with indications of numbness, cramps, seizures and abnormal heartbeat. As the severity intensifies, hypocalcaemia (low calcium levels) and hypokalaemia (low potassium levels) set in. Interestingly, magnesium chloride can be swiftly and efficiently sent into the body through external application (transdermal). This property has given rise to preparations such as magnesium chloride oil, gel and bath flakes. Magnesium chloride is abundant in sea water.
Miracle Substance
Although found in several forms, magnesium chloride is the form that is readily utilized for metabolism. Magnesium chloride is used to tackle natural magnesium deficiency. Of late, magnesium chloride is touted as the "miracle substance," promising to cure for a wide range of diseases and rejuvenate the body. Magnesium chloride as a regular mineral form is known to facilitate enzymatic reactions, energy production, muscle contraction, nerve coordination and strong bones and teeth.
Magnesium Chloride Salt
Magnesium chloride salt is known to bestow more benefits on human body. This salt has been found beneficial in conditions such as colitis, tremors, muscle cramps, acne, psoriasis, asthma and even Parkinson's disease and impotence. It activates digestive enzymes and enhances production of bile juice, and helps restore intestinal flora levels. It also reduces unpleasant body odors. Higher magnesium chloride consumption has been found to prevent or dissolve stones in kidneys and the gall bladder.
Excess is Dangerous
The lure of a single-source treatment for conditions from cancer to heart disease to asthma to aging makes magnesium chloride a likely overused substance. Excessive usage of magnesium chloride, like most nutrients, is often detrimental. Symptoms of overdose of magnesium chloride are found similar to deficiency: psychological disturbance, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, breathing problems, fall in blood pressure and heart problems. Magnesium chloride is also known to interfere with some crucial medications and reduce their efficiency.