Longevity And Nutrition
Significance of Protein
A balanced diet should be abundant in lean proteins. Get a daily allowance of protein from lean meats, nuts, beans, and tofu. Limit red meat or avoid it entirely. Red meat increases the risk of future heart problems and contains high amounts of unnecessary fats.
Benefits of Diets Rich in Vitamins, Minerals, and Fiber
Add fiber and calcium and consume a variety of fruits and vegetables; these are essential steps to a healthy and long life. Variety fruit and vegetable intake is important because different fruits and vegetables provide different nutritional benefits. For example, berries are high in fiber and antioxidants, which protect against cancer and memory problems, while vegetables contain a vast array of minerals and vitamins not found in other food groups.
Low Fat and Low Calorie Diets
Maintain proper nutrition by keeping the amounts of fats and calories to a minimum. Reduce the amounts of saturated fats and increase the intake of unsaturated fats from foods such as lean meats and nuts. WebMD suggests diets rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to help maintain a healthy heart and ward off memory problems of older adulthood. Increase the consumption of whole grains. As reported on WebMD, whole grains, a low calorie food, contain a vast amount of disease-fighting nutrients.
Importance of Hydration
Proper hydration is also crucial to a quality aging process. Make water consumption a regularly daily routine. Hydration enables the digestion process and promotes a healthy immune system. Properly hydrated, human bodies are capable of effectively using nutrients. Also, alcohol dehydrates the body and should therefore be consumed in small quantities.
Effects of Poor Nutrition
When the importance of proper nutrition is underestimated, the path into older adulthood could be shortened and quality of life could suffer. As reported by the Mayo Clinic, poor nutrition is linked to fatigue, depression, dementia, heart problems, diabetes, bone fractures, anemia, a weakened immune system and high blood pressure.