Nutrionist Diet
What to Eat
Nutritionists eat foods based on nutrition requirements from organizations that are reputable in nutrition science, including the American Heart Association, Harvard School and Public Health and the Mayo Clinic. The American Heart Association recommends eating five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day; one to three servings of lean meats such as poultry, fish and lean beef; whole grains such as whole wheat bread and pasta and brown rice; and one to two servings of healthy oils from sources such as olive oil and nuts. According to nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner, you should fill your plate with 50 percent veggies, 25 percent whole grains and 25 percent lean protein.
What to Drink
Nutritionists, along with the American Heart Association, recommend cutting back on any drinks that contain added sugars. Nutritionists drink plenty of water and don't consume many liquid calories. You should avoid soda and sweetened juices, and stick with water, tea and coffee. Drink alcohol in moderation as well.
What Not to Eat
In general, nutritionists tend to avoid red meat and opt for fish instead. They do not eat many processed "white" carbs (e.g., bread, pasta and rice), and choose whole grain carbohydrates instead. Nutritionists avoid foods high in saturated and trans fats that may lead to an increased risk of heart disease. Nutritionists choose many whole, natural foods over processed foods that are loaded with salt, and flavor their foods with herbs and citrus instead of salt.
According to the American Heart Association, healthy eating can help prevent a variety of conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some types of cancer. The American Heart Association also states that "healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons to fight cardiovascular disease." People who eat like a nutritionist are less likely to be obese, and often feel better about themselves.
Expert Insight
According to nutritionist Leslie Bonci, following a "nutritionist diet" does not mean starving yourself. On the contrary, nutritionists love to eat just as much as everyone else. Another nutritionist, Ellie Krieger, says she has half a glass of wine every night for dinner. Remember, moderation is key. Lastly, nutritionist Kathy McManus recommends combining a little exercise each day with your healthy eating plan.