Goji Berries for Muscle Growth
The tiny berry gained a further following after reports that Chinese man Li Qing Yuen lived to the ripe old age of 252 thanks to a daily diet of goji berries. According to antioxidants-guide.com, Madonna followed in the footsteps of Yuen and turned to the berries for "health, vitality and the possible secret to her eternal youth".
But the goji berry doesn't just promise spectacular results to overall health, body builders who want to encourage muscle growth are also in for a treat.
Goji berries contain betaine which help the liver to produce choline which in turn encourages muscle growth as well as calms nervousness, improves memory and guards against fatty liver disease, according to health-report.co.uk.
According to foreverlookingood.com, goji berries contain chromium which helps to control blood sugar and maintains lean muscle mass during weight loss.
Growth Hormone
Amino acids found in goji berries help the body to produce more growth hormone, which supports the body's maintenance of muscle mass, according to foreverlookingood.com. These include L-arginine and L-glutamine, the latter of which actually encourages the production of lean muscle tissue. They also contain potassium which maintains the normal function of the pituitary gland that produces growth hormone.
Goji berries help you to exercise by improving your body's use of oxygen, preventing fatigue, increasing endurance and stamina, strengthening the heart, cutting stress and improving circulation, according to Supremehealth.com. Effective exercise equates muscle growth.
Strengthens Glands
The glands responsible for creating energy, muscle growth and repair are strengthened by goji berries. These include the adrenal glands, the thymus gland, the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, according to Antioxidants-for-health-and-longevity.com.
Vitamin C and Calcium
According to Bodybuilding.com, Goji berries are packed full of vitamin C and are said to contain more than oranges. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen to strengthen muscle and bones. It is for this reason that people suffering from regular muscle cramps are often recommended a diet of goji berries--a sure fire way to quickly and effectively strengthen your muscles without popping pills. A high amount of calcium in goji berries also helps to strengthen the muscles and build healthy bones.
Goji berries are a rejuvenating adaptogen--a natural product that increases the body's resistance to stress, trauma anxiety, fatigue and stimulates the regeneration of muscles, according to health-goji-juice.com.