The Truth About Potassium Chloride

Potassium chloride is often prescribed by doctors to combat the effects of low potassium in the bloodstream. This medication can cause both minor and major side effects. According to, potassium chloride is also used in lethal injections of condemned prisoners in order to stop the heart and cause cardiac arrest.
  1. Importance of Potassium

    • Potassium is an electrolyte used in cellular respiration. It is required to power muscles; low potassium causes muscle cramps, aches, and weakness. Low potassium can also interfere with the proper function of the heart; in severe cases, potassium deficiency can lead to disturbances in the natural rhythm of the heart. Potassium is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, but doctors often prescribe potassium chloride to patients who suffer from low potassium.


    • Potassium chloride can be prescribed in several forms: liquid, powder, or capsule/pill. It is commonly prescribed in pill form; extended release capsules are often prescribed in order to release potassium chloride into the body gradually and reduce possible side effects.


    • Potassium chloride pills must be swallowed whole; according to, crushing or breaking the pill causes too much potassium chloride to be released into the bloodstream at once. In addition, people with certain conditions must not take potassium chloride. Potassium chloride is dangerous for people who suffer from kidney failure, Addison's disease, severe burns, tissue damage or dehydration.

      Potassium chloride slows the heart down; patients on this drug should have their heart checked regularly to ensure cardiological health.

    Side Effects

    • Potassium chloride can cause both minor and major side effects. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. urges patients to see a doctor immediately if they experience chest pain, muscle weakness, allergic reactions, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, black stool or irregular heartbeat.

    Potassium Chloride and the Death Penalty

    • Potassium chloride is used in the lethal cocktail administered to Death Row inmates. According to the Ohio Conference United Church of Christ (OCUCC), potassium chloride injection causes the prisoner to die painfully. Another drug, sodium thiopenthanol, is supposed to anesthetize the recipient in order to block this experience, but the OCUCC says that this drug often wears off before the potassium chloride has finished attacking the prisoner's heart.

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