Nutrition Facts on Concord Grapes
Part of the Purple Family
Concord grapes are part of the purple family. Grapes, blueberries, plums, purple cabbage and eggplant are all part of the purple family. Registered dietitian Mindy Hermann recommends choosing fruits and vegetables from each color every day in order to get a variety of nutritional benefits.
Nutritional Content of Concord Grapes
Concord grapes contain manganese, potassium, vitamins B1, B6 and C. They are also an excellent source of flavonoids, phytonutrients responsible for their purple color. Research shows that flavonoids resveratol and quercetin support healthy heart function. Scientists believe they decrease the risk of heart disease by "reducing platelet clumping and protecting bad cholesterol from free radical damage that initiates its artery-damaging actions," writes J.K. Kristie in "Healthy Benefits of Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables" on Resveratol also has anti-inflammatory effects presumed to combat cancer. This purple fruit has antimicrobial and antiviral capabilities. Concord grapes are high in fiber, have no fat, are full of antioxidants and are low in calories.
Preventing Metabolic Syndrome
Regularly eating Concord grapes, or drinking the juice, substantially reduces risks of diseases such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease and breast cancer. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risks factors that make you more prone to diabetes, stroke and heart attack. Some of these risk factors are obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia (elevated plasma cholesterol), insulin resistance and/or increased blood glucose. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) results showed that by eating purple fruits and vegetables regularly people reduced their risk of metabolic syndrome.
Breast Cancer Prevention
Studies show that Concord grape juice contains naturally healing properties that prevent DNA damage in healthy human breast cells. Dr. Keith Singletary of University of Illinois said, "The purple grape compounds demonstrated the capacity to inhibit DNA adduct formation as well as to increase the activity of enzymes that metabolize and detoxify carcinogens, and suppress potentially cancer-causing oxidative stress." Singletary is a nutrition professor and head researcher. These compounds are called anthocyanins and are found in red and purple fruits and vegetables. Singletary states that this finding will "warrant further study for their breast cancer chemopreventive potential."
A Healthy Heart
One of the benefits of drinking Concord grape juice is promoting a healthy heart. In two different studies in the late 1990s, researchers from University of Wisconsin found that people who drank about one to two cups of Concord grape juice daily had more flexible arteries. The American Journal of Cardiology published their results in September 2001. A study in South Korea found that men with high blood pressure who drank one and a half cups of Concord grape juice daily for eight weeks substantially reduce their blood pressure.
Eat Smart
Concord grapes are high in antioxidants. According to a study documented in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry in March 2007, out of 13 juices tested, Concord grape juice is the highest in antioxidants. Recent research reveals that consuming fruits and vegetables full of antioxidants is linked to improved cognitive function. Other benefits are physical dexterity and better memory. With each study, scientists get closer to understanding how Concord grapes improve our health.