The Scientific Benefits of Juicing & Energy
Fruit and vegetables have long been known to provide our bodies with the much needed energy to help us get through our day. Juicing supplies you with a quick burst of energy because of how fast the vitamins and minerals are absorbed into your system. Your body doesn't need to spend the same amount of time and work of breaking them down and digesting them. A diet rich in vegetables and fruit also helps you to build a strong immune system and keep your body in proper working order, which in turn makes you feel more energetic.
Reduce Inflammation and Heart Disease
Another major reason that juicing provides your body with optimal health and more energy is because a diet rich in fruit and vegetables will help reduce inflammation, says Dr. Kelly Traver on the Dr. Oz website; she also states that keeping inflammation in check will help your body produce good bacteria and keep the bad kind away. According to Andrew Weil, M.D., juicing is also good for lowering your chances of developing heart disease. For example, on the Mayo Clinic's website Martha Grogan, M.D. says the skin and seeds of red and purple grapes contain the powerful antioxidant resveratrol which helps to prevent blood clots and damage to the blood vessels in your heart. Also, the antioxidant assists you in maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
Pure Nutrition
It is a far better choice when you opt to juice fruit and vegetables yourself rather than buying your juice off the shelf at the grocery store. Store bought juices have been pasteurized which strips them of many of their natural health perks because of the amount of heat they are exposed to during the process. Many store bought juices are also loaded with added sugar, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. And unless they say they are 100 percent juice then it is more than likely that you are barely consuming any fruit or vegetable nutrition.
When incorporating juicing into your lifestyle you should be aware that there are some potential drawbacks. Fruit juices contain high levels of sugar and the amount of fiber in juice is significantly lowered. In addition, according to Andrew Weil, M.D., fresh juices should be consumed as quickly as possible to retain their nutritional benefits and avoid pathogens from developing, and he also advises drinking them "with something with extra fiber, healthy fat or lean protein." Aside from those considerations most doctors agree that juicing is an effective part of healthy living.