Artificial Hydration & Nutrition Used in Hospice Care
Artificial nutrition and hydration refers to the administration of food and water "by artificial means," according to Thomas Shannon and Nicholas Kockler in "An Introduction to Bioethics."
To provide ANH, according to Shannon and Kockler, is bioethically correct. It is seen as a means of "preserving life" and alleviating suffering.
Because providing ANH is considered bioethically correct, Shannon and Kockler state that "there should be a presumption in favor of providing nutrition and hydration to all patients."
However, there are three conditions under which ANH is not bioethically required; the patient's body cannot assimilate it, it causes physical discomfort, and its provision is impossible.
As Shannon and Kockler point out, religious institutions advocate ANH, in principle, in order to protect the "fundamental human dignity" of the patient.