What Type of Foods Don't Have Potassium?
Expert Insight
A person may be instructed by his doctor to reduce potassium intake for a variety of reasons, including reducing blood pressure.
Food types that contain little or no potassium mostly include oils and sugar-free beverages or candies. Water has no potassium.
No Potassium
Foods that contain no potassium include cornstarch and baking powder; candies such as M&Ms and gumdrops; low-calorie carbonated beverages such as diet or club soda; powdered drink mixes containing the artificial sweetener aspartame; vegetable, canola, peanut, sunflower and soybean oils; shortening and lard.
Very Little Potassium
Foods that contain very little potassium include distilled alcohol such as whiskey, rum, vodka or gin; ginger ale and other soda pop; margarine; olives; cheese; plain white rice; sugar cookies; honey; garlic; onions and tomatoes.
An excess or depletion of potassium can be dangerous. As potassium is normally regulated by the liver, if not functioning properly, high potassium levels can cause one to experience an irregular heartbeat or possibly go into cardiac arrest. The first signs of a potassium depletion include numbness or weakness.