Income Requirements to Receive Food Stamps in Delaware
The food stamp program, now called the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is a federal program designed to help those with low incomes purchase healthy food. Each state, including Delaware, is responsible for determining eligibility for benefits for its residents. Some states, like Delaware, still use the informal "Food Stamps" rather than the more formal "SNAP" designation.-
Gross Income
The first income test most households must pass is the gross income test. The maximum gross income for your household size is 130 percent of the federal poverty level as determined by the federal government. Gross income includes all earned wages, tips, bonuses, payments from the social security agency, unemployment, self employment income, child support or alimony, gifts or any other income received by any member of the household. The only deduction made before the gross income determination is court-ordered child support paid to someone outside of the household.
Net Income
Households who have at least one member over the age of 60 or who is receiving Social Security disability (SSDI) payments or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) do not have to pass the gross income test. Those households, along with households who first pass the gross income test, must then pass the net income test. The maximum net income is 100 percent of the federal poverty level. To determine net income, begin with your gross income. Subtract 20 percent of earned income from your gross. From that total, subtract the standard deduction for your household size ($143 for 1 to 3, $153 for 4, $179 for 5 and $205 for 6 or more as of 2010). Subtract dependent care expenses and medical costs greater than $35 for household members who are disabled or over 60. From that total, deduct shelter expenses, which include rent or mortgage, property taxes, homeowner's insurance and utilities greater than 50 percent of the gross income to determine your net income.
Categorical Eligibility
Some residents of Delaware do not have to meet the standard income tests. Households where all members are receiving Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA) or SSI are categorically eligible for SNAP benefits. GA is a state of Delaware program that does not receive federal funds. Its purpose is to provide cash benefits to needy residents who do not qualify for federal cash programs.