Qualifications for Food Stamps in Ohio
Application Process
Applicants for Ohio SNAP benefits are required to mail, fax or personally deliver a completed application. Candidates will be contacted to schedule a mandatory face to face interview with a caseworker to begin compiling information and supporting documentation regarding the applicant's benefits. A completed application must include the candidate's name, address, citizenship status, monthly income amount, expense costs including rent, utilities and childcare, as well as the number of people in the household who will be included in the SNAP benefits. For every individual in the household, whether they will be receiving benefits or not, the applicant will need to provide their gender, race, citizenship status and social security number.
Income Qualifications
Ohio SNAP benefit applicants are required to meet certain income guidelines. Candidate's household income must be at or under 130 percent of the federal poverty limit. Exceptions include households whose income is more than 130 percent of the federal poverty limit but use a portion of the income to care for a disabled or elderly person who lives within the home. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services reviews the household's qualifying income and expenses when determining the amount of benefits they will receive. Information to be reviewed includes mortgage and rent expenses, gas, heat, electricity, sewer and phone bills, and medical, child care and child support payments. Cash reserves, savings accounts and stocks may also be taken into consideration. When considering income and expenses, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services also takes the number of people living in the household into account.
Document Qualifications
In order to be approved for SNAP benefits, Ohio residents are required to provide their caseworker with qualifying documentation verifying the information presented in the application. Required documents include an original social security of the applicant, original social security cards of all parties on the application who will be receiving SNAP benefits, proof of the applicant's age and citizenship, proof of household income, including recent check stubs, proof of household bank assets, including bank statements, proof of household costs including rent or mortgage receipts, canceled rent or mortgage checks and utility bills, proof of child support payments and proof of disability (if applicable).
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