Louisiana Food Stamp Qualifications
Citizenship and Residency
Citizens of the United States, people who have been Legal Permanent Residents for at least 5 years, certain refugees and people who have asylum are eligible to receive food stamps provided they meet other income-related criteria. To qualify for benefits in Louisiana, you must also be a resident of Louisiana.
Most families or individuals must have gross monthly income lower than 130 percent of the federal poverty level to qualify for benefits. Gross income includes earned wages, tips, bonuses, child support income, unemployment payments, monetary gifts and any other money received by anyone in the household. Court-ordered child support paid to an individual not in the household is the only allowable deduction from gross income before eligibility determination.
Net Income
Households with at least one member who is over the age 60 or is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security disability (SSDI) payments must have a monthly net income of less than 100 percent of the federal poverty level. To determine net income, start with gross income and subtract 20 percent of earned income plus the standard deduction for your household size ($141 for households of 1-3, $153 for a household of 4, $179 for a household of 5, and $205 for household with 6 or more). In addition, deduct any dependent care expenses, court-ordered child support, shelter costs greater than 50 percent of gross income and monthly medical costs for household members over age 60 or those receiving SSI or SSDI payments greater than $35. Shelter costs include rent or mortgage, utilities, phone, homeowner's insurance and property taxes.
Resources are certain valuable assets a person may have in addition to earned income, such as cash on hand, money in bank accounts, stocks and certain properties. Most households must have resources less than $2,000 in value to be eligible for food stamps. The resource limit for households with a member who is disabled or over the age 60 is $3,000.
Full-time students in institutes of higher education, including universities, community colleges and trade schools, are not typically eligible for benefits unless they are working at least 20 hours per week. Self-employed students must have income equal to the federal minimum wage for 20 hours a week. Other exceptions include if the student is disabled, under age 18, over age 60, participating in a government-sponsored work training program or enrolled in work study. Married students qualify if they have children age 6 and under, while single parent students qualify if they have children 12 and under.
Categorical Eligibility
Some residents of Louisiana are categorically eligible for SNAP and do not have to meet income and resource requirements. Households who have a member receiving Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP), Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP) or Strategies to Empower People Program (STEP) benefits or where all members are receiving SSI are categorically eligible.
Louisiana Combined Application Project
Although not a part of the federal SNAP, the Louisiana Combined Application Project (LaCAP) is a form of food assistance. To be eligible for LaCAP, a Louisiana resident must be at least 60 years old and receiving SSI. You must also live alone, or agree to purchase and prepare food separately from the other members of your household, which does not include your spouse or child under the age of 22.