Black Walnut Nutritional Facts
Black walnuts were used during the Middle Ages to ward off the evil eye of witchcraft and help people with epileptic fits. Native Americans used black walnuts for skin conditions such as warts, eczema, psoriasis and eye irritations and sties.
Black walnuts are 15 to 20 percent protein and contain trace minerals iron, zinc, copper, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. Black walnuts also contain juglone, caffeic acid, hyperin and tannin.
Omega-3 Oil
Black walnuts contain 60 percent oil, which is rich in omega-3. They have 700 calories per 100 grams of nuts, and when used with a healthy diet of fish, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, the omega-3 oil from black walnuts protects your arteries against cardiovascular diseases and your bones against bone loss. Omega-3 helps prevent gallstones, hyperactivity, learning problems and sleep disorders too.
Black walnuts contain minerals copper and magnesium and ellagic acid. These are antioxidants that block the metabolic pathway to cancer. They also help protect healthy cells from being damaged by free radicals and they help prevent cancer cells from replicating.
According to the Nutritional Journal and the Journal on Obesity, eating just four walnuts a day can increase the level of omega-3 oil and ellagic acid in the blood. This small increase will help to protect your heart and arteries from disease and your system from cancer. In a study of 1,200 elderly patients who were fed walnuts and strawberries, both foods rich in omega-3 and ellagic acid, it was found that these patients were three times less likely to develop cancer and heart disease than those patient who did not consume these kinds of foods.
People who are allergic to other nuts should consult their doctors before using any black walnuts products. Black walnuts are often found in baked goods and ice cream.