Any Benefits of Soy Milk to the Body?

Get refreshed with a chilled glass of soy milk, made by grinding soy beans with water and oil. People enjoy it plain or by using it in cereal or their favorite recipes. It's ideal for those who want a low-fat and zero-cholesterol source of non-animal protein. Soy milk also has several health benefits for the body.
  1. Lowered Heart Disease Risk

    • A serving of 25 g of soy protein per day, obtained from soy milk and other soy products, may reduce the risks of coronary heart disease when combined with a diet that's low in cholesterol and saturated fat, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. A cup of soy milk delivers approximately 7 to 10 g of soy protein, according to the McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois.

    Decreased Breast Cancer Risks

    • Soy milk has isoflavones called daidzein and genistein, also known as plant estrogens. Consuming small amounts of these isoflavones may reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to Penn State University, but studies are ongoing. Too much of it can actually do the reverse. The university says that eating and drinking more than 100 mg of soy isoflavones per day may increase your risk of contracting cancer. A 3.3 oz serving of soy milk contains approximately 10 mg of isoflavones.

    Decreased LDL Cholesterol

    • Drinking 25 g of soy protein from soy milk daily decreases low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in adults ages 30 through 65 by 5 percent, according to Stanford University.

    Increased Vitamin Intake

    • Soy milk contains a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, like riboflavin and iron. Many of the soy milk products sold in supermarkets are enriched with additional vitamins and minerals like vitamin D and calcium. These nutrients help with a wide range of body functions.

    Better Bone Density

    • Dozens of clinical trials and medical research studies, like a 2003 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and a 2004 study published in the Journal of Women's Health, found that consuming about 90 mg of soy isoflavones from soy milk and soy products daily may help to increase bone formation and slow bone loss, according to Oregon State University.

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