Fattiest Vegetarian Foods
French Fries
French fries are vegetables, but they are not healthy. Foods fried in oil typically contain copious amounts of unhealthy fats, and French fries are no exception. Sliced potatoes drenched in oil are a fat-filled vegetarian food. A large serving of McDonald's French fries has about 25 grams of fat, while a large portion of Arby's curly fries packs a shocking 34 grams.
Provided they are not fried in lard, donuts are a completely vegetarian food. They are also one of the most notoriously unhealthy foods and are loaded with fat. Once they have emerged from the fryer, these goodies are full of unhealthy saturated and trans fats and dietary cholesterol. The fat content of donuts varies, but a single Krispy Kreme donut can contain up to 20 grams of fat, while the Dunkin' Donuts version can contain up to 27 grams.
Ice Cream
Ice cream is cool, refreshing and loaded with fat. There are a seemingly endless number of varieties of ice cream, which contain all different levels of fat. Cold Stone Creamery's chocolate ice cream contains up to 48 grams of fat for a single serving, while a single scoop of Ben & Jerry's chocolate ice cream contains 12 grams. Ice cream combined with peanut butter, another high-fat vegetarian food, can contain a particularly great amount of fat: A single serving of Cold Stone Creamery's peanut butter ice cream can contain up to 58 grams; a single scoop of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl ice cream or Peanut Butter Cookie Dough ice cream contains 17 grams.
Cinnamon Buns
Cinnamon buns can be a lethal source of fat. Cinnamon buns are pastries that typically consist of dense dough packed with cinnamon and sugar, with butter and icing drenched on top. Icing itself is a highly fattening vegetarian food, as some varieties pack as many as 10 grams of fat per serving. Cinnabon's heavily iced Caramel Pecanbon contains a whopping 56 grams of total fat.
Meatless pizza is a common vegetarian food. Most pizza restaurants offer a veggie pizza option which consists of cheese with an assortment of vegetarian toppings (such as onions, peppers, mushrooms and olives). A single slice of Pizza Hut's Veggie Lover's pan pizza contains 15 grams of fat; however, if you are accustomed to eating an entire pizza, the 14-inch Veggie Lover's pan pizza contains 120 grams of fat.