How to Extract Heavy Metals & Other Forms of Toxins From Your Body
Things You'll Need
- Chelating agent or detoxifier with EDTA and/or NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
- Fresh cilantro
- Fresh garlic
Chelation Therapy
Choose a chelating agent from the many available on the market. Oral chelating agents are preferable to IVs as they are safer and less intrusive. Chelating agents work by binding the heavy metals to themselves. They are then eliminated through the colon. Some good choices include HMD, which has been tested using a double blind test methodology, and Nature's Sunshine Heavy Metal Detox.
Start your therapy according to the directions on the product chosen. Be sure to drink lots of water while undergoing chelation therapy.
Continue your therapy for as long as the product directs you. Make sure to get lots of rest, and exercise so that you sweat as well.
Garlic and Cilantro
Supplement your cleanse using garlic and cilantro. Purchase both fresh and preferably in organic form.
Eat one clove of fresh garlic daily. If you can't stand the taste when eating it straight, mix it with your food. Garlic is a great overall cleanser and natural antibacterial/antiviral as well.
Mix roughly one tablespoon of fresh, chopped cilantro into your daily juices, salads, or food. Cilantro also helps to facilitate the removal of toxins and heavy metals from your body, and is a delicious addition to any diet.