Information on Protein Foods Containing Sulfur
Sulfur's Role
Though not considered an essential mineral, sulfur is part of four different amino acids (methionine, cystine, cysteine, taurine) and proves necessary for these amino acids to do their jobs. It gets stored in skin, hair, and nails until needed. You need sulfur for collagen production, controlling carbohydrate metabolism, reducing body toxicity and detoxifying blood.
Recommended Daily Allowance
No recommended daily allowance for sulfur currently exists because sulfur is not considered an essential mineral. According to Online Family Doctor, since most people get enough protein, they also get enough sulfur.
Protein Sources
Fish, poultry, eggs, and meats provide high amounts of sulfur. According to Online Family Doctor's website, eating egg yolks proves one the best ways to get sulfur in your diet.
Other Sources
Kale, raspberries, lettuce, seaweed, nuts, onions, cabbage, and brussel sprouts also provide good sources of sulfur if you prefer a vegetarian diet.
Side Effects
There are no documented side effects of sulfur. Even though sulfur might prohibit your body's storage of copper, most people have increased copper levels already according to