A Good Diet Plan for Men
Increasing Your Metabolism
The first step to a healthy diet is eating the right amount of food throughout the day. Forget counting calories and start focusing on keeping your body satisfied and your metabolism working. Increasing your metabolic rate will help your body break down the food you eat rather than store the extra calories as fat. To speed up your metabolism, you need to eat small portions more often. Eat six to eight small meals a day. The size of the meals should be about half the size of a normal meal. This will give your body enough food to be satisfied but not too much food to handle. As a result, you will be eating every two hours, keeping your metabolism constantly working and yourself from going hungry. Hunger often precludes overeating and breaking away from healthy habits.
Nutritional Intake
Along with improving your eating regime, it is important to pay attention to what you eat. Always try to choose the healthy option when available. Read the label of all the products you consume, and avoid saturated fat, trans fat and simple carbohydrates. Also try to reduce your sugar intake. This can be done by replacing fatty desserts with fruit and soda with water. Try to feed your body food that is both nutritional and easy to digest. Good examples of healthy options include fruit, vegetables, fish, lean meats, nonfat dairy products, egg whites, unsalted nuts, whole grains and oatmeal.
Although it is necessary for the majority of your meals to be healthy, do not ruin your life trying to stay on a strict diet. As long as you keep your portions in control and continue eating every few hours, you may break away and give in to your cravings every once in a while. Designate a single small meal a week where you eat whatever you desire. However, make sure you keep the meal to a controlled portion and do not indulge in overeating. This will not affect your overall diet and will help you maintain the rest of the week, knowing you will soon reward yourself.