How Do Minerals Help With Depression?
Zinc is an essential nutrient that the body cannot store. Yet it affects bodily functions such as the immune system, reproductive system and mental balance. A lack of zinc can cause mental lethargy. Increasing zinc amounts in deficient patients could alleviate symptom-related physical pain as well as improveme alertness. Supplements may be needed for depressed patient groups who are at risk of zinc deficiency, namely vegetarians and pregnant women. Zinc amounts should not exceed 40 milligrams per day for adults 19 and older. Natural sources of zinc include oysters, beef shanks, Swiss cheese and pork shoulder.
Magnesium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Magnesium is used in more than 300 bodily biochemical reactions. Most magnesium is found in the bones. Magnesium can help with depression because it is involved with producing the necessary proteins to create special mood-related neurotransmitters. Magnesium is essential in producing serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for elevating moods. A study led by Dr. Richard H. Cox tested 100 depressed patients for magnesium deficiency by applying high levels of magnesium to their systems for absorption. More than 50 of those patients demonstrated low levels of magnesium. Nearly 90 percent of depressed patients with chronic pain syndromes were found to be deficient. Beets, carrots, leafy vegetables and legumes are all natural sources of magnesium.
Selenium deficiency also has been linked to depressed and anxiety moods. Although your body only needs trace amounts, it helps make antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals that can target the brain's functions. A 1991 study published in the Biological Psychiatry Journal was among the first to demonstrate selenium's effects on the mood. Fifty subjects were given a placebo or a small amount of selenium daily for five weeks and asked to monitor their moods as well as what they've eaten. High levels of selenium can result in irritability and mild nerve damage. It is recommended that adults have no more than 400 micrograms of selenium per day.