Foods for Gaining Muscle Mass
UCLA says you need to consume an extra 3,500 calories a week to gain from 8 oz. to 1 lb. of muscle mass.
Protein is necessary for muscle growth. Choose healthy protein sources, such as lean meats, chicken, fish, nonfat dairy, beans, nuts, seeds, egg whites and yogurt.
Protein Supplements
You do not need protein supplements. According to UCLA, 15 to 20 percent of your total calories should be from healthy protein sources. More protein than that is not only useless, it might even be dangerous.
Balanced Diet
Animal protein sources and soy products contain all the essential amino acids your body needs to rebuild damaged muscles, but plant protein sources are lower in calories and will not raise your cholesterol levels.
Other Foods
UCLA recommends a low-fat protein bar or drink if you are in a hurry. Also, they suggest adding nonfat powdered milk to soups or beverages for an added dose of protein.