Protein Snacks for Kids
Eggs are an excellent source of protein. A 4-year old will receive almost one-third of the protein needed in a day from a single egg, according to There are many creative ways to use eggs as a snack into your child's diet. suggests: " Keep a bunch of hard-boiled in the fridge (they last for seven days), or scramble an egg and roll it up in a flour tortilla." Keep your child's snacks fun while nutritious to ensure that she gets all of the nutrients she needs.
Cheese is also a superb source of protein,so it makes a perfect snack for you child. suggests: make "satellite snacks," pretzel sticks stuck into cheese cubes; melt cheese on an English muffin; serve cheese slices with whole-wheat crackers; or cut a design, such as a face, into a slice of cheese. Try mixing up the types of cheese you serve your child. Have a cheese-from-around-the-world day and try cheese from different countries. Try to have fun and keep it nutritious.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a protein-packed snack that is also high in fiber. This versatile snack is a childhood favorite for many. Some peanut butter snack ideas include: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; peanut butter on celery, crackers, bananas or apples; and peanut butter on whole-grain toast. If you are looking to mix up your child's peanut butter snack, suggests: "For a change, try making silly PB&J sandwiches: Instead of bread, use toasted mini waffles or rice cakes."