Medicinal Benefits of Celery Seeds
Mosquito Repellent
Celery seed extract is a mosquito repellent This one has actually been confirmed through research: celery seed is an excellent mosquito repellent. Apply the extract to your skin and they will leave you alone. You can also pour the extract into bodies of water with mosquito larvae, and it will kill them.
Reduced Absorption of Harmful Chemicals
Animal studies show reduced absorption of certain harmful chemicals when eaten alongside celery seed. Of special note is its ability to inhibit the liver's absorption of acetaminophen, commonly found in Tylenol. When taking Tylenol, you'll still experience pain reduction, but your liver won't be as harmed by the drug.
Although research has yet to confirm it, one of the most common uses of celery seed is as a diuretic. Eating the seeds will flush excess water out of your system. This is helpful if your body is retaining too much water or if you want to flush toxins from your blood.
Unconfirmed Claims
There are a number of other traditional uses of celery seed which have yet to be confirmed through scientific research. These include reduction in cholesterol and blood pressure, relief from arthritis and muscle spasms and reduced inflammation. Although studies have not been performed on these claims, centuries of traditional medicine give them a measure of legitimacy.