The Importance of Coconut Fiber
Coconut fiber can refer to two things: the dietary fiber found in the meat or a layer of outer husk material referred to as coir.
The dietary fiber content of coconut meat is approximately 5 g per teaspoon. Shredded coconut husks are used as a growing medium in combination with substances such as perlite.
Coconut dietary fiber has a higher fiber content per volume then flaxseed or oat bran. Outer-husk fiber comes shredded, as blocks or pellets and retains water, promotes plant growth and has a low incidence of spreading common fungal diseases.
The biological purpose of coconut husk fibers is to assist the nut in establishing itself in soil.
Fun Fact
Coconuts can be hard to harvest. In Southeast Asia, macaque monkeys are trained for this task and rewarded for their work.