Grapes for Alcoholic Recovery
Grapes Grapes contain vital nutrients needed for repair of a liver that has been damaged by alcohol abuse such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamins A and C.
Purple Grapes There are over 40 grape varieties grown all over the world. The most common types found in grocery stores are green, purple and red. The green grapes are the sweetest tasting.
Many recovering alcoholics crave sugar during the first three weeks of recovery. Grapes are a natural alternative to processed sugar.
The nutritional benefits of grapes help restore the liver functions, detoxify the liver and boost the immune system of the body overall.
Do not use only grapes or grape juice in your recovery plan. Too much sugar, even though it is natural, disrupts the sugar metabolism mechanism in the body. Sugar metabolism needs to be stable in the recovering alcoholic to decrease moodiness and decrease cravings.
Juicing grapes with a juicer appliance enhances the bioavailability of the nutrients in the grapes. Much of the juice of the fruit is locked in the fiber, which passes out of the body. Drinking fresh grape juice helps the nutrients enter the bloodstream more quickly.