What Are the Dangers of Liver Flush?
Flushing a liver too quickly when it is overloaded with toxins can send the body into a healing crisis. Follow a comprehensive program that includes drinking water to minimize this effect.
Liver Flush
Juicing carrots and beets are often a part of a liver flush. Flushing the liver involves drinking juices, eating healthy raw foods and sometimes taking herbal supplements to force out toxins built up in the liver. Every liver-flush program also involves drinking lots of pure, filtered water to aid in flushing toxic waste from the liver.
The liver performs more than 500 functions in the body. The main functions are to detoxify the blood, eliminate toxins from the body and support immune system.
Flushing this organ helps the entire body function better, especially if it is overloaded or backed up with toxins.
The liver does not operate independently of the other organs in the body. It works closely with the lymph system, which affects the body's immune system. The liver affects energy levels and metabolism, and it is a critical component in the digestive system.
Flushing the liver may cause a healing crisis if you flush too quickly or too frequently. When this happens, old ailments may resurface, and you may feel worse before you feel better. This will pass, but make sure you drink plenty of water to minimize the effect.
If your liver is enlarged or damaged, something that can be determined with a simple blood test, it is advisable to work with a holistic health care provider while doing a liver flush. You may need to do a preliminary detoxification regimen first, or a "pre-flush" diet to prepare for the liver flush.
Juice beets to help flush out toxins in the liver. Do not juice too many beets when flushing the liver. Beets and beet tops are the best vegetable to use to flush, cleanse and fortify the liver. Using too many will cause nausea, dizziness and an unpleasant blood pressure sensation.