What Nutrients Are in Organic Sugar?
Vitamin B2
Trace levels of vitamin B2 are found in organic sugar and cane juice. B-vitamins are essential for a healthy nervous system. These nutrients provide the body with energy in addition to helping with stress management. Oregon State University says low levels of vitamin B2 have been linked to oxidative stress on the body.
According to The Organic Food Directory, organic sugar is better for you than processed sugar, however, it is still sugar, so moderation is key. Organic sugar is a healthier alternative, but it can still raise insulin levels, which can contribute to obesity and premature aging.
Organic sugar contains small amounts of iron. Iron is essential for red blood cell formation. Red blood cells improve oxygen levels in the body, which keeps your heart and cells healthy. The richest sources of iron are found in meats and vegetables likes spinach.
Calcium is another nutrient found in organic sugar. This mineral is vital for healthy bone growth. Calcium and magnesium also work together to regulate heart rhythm. Sugar is not the most abundant source of calcium, though, because organic sugar only contains trace levels. Adequate daily calcium can be obtained from carrots, milk and other vegetables.
Organic sugar contains low levels of phosphorus. The body needs this mineral for healthy bone and teeth development. Phosphorus also improves the absorption of other minerals.
Tiny amounts of potassium is found in unprocessed organic sugar. Potassium works with other minerals like calcium to strengthen muscles and prevent cramps. A richer source of potassium is bananas.
Small amounts of magnesium are also found in organic sugar and other natural sweeteners. Magnesium is a mineral that helps improve calcium absorption. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, magnesium is beneficial for heart and kidney health.