The Advantages of Fresh Produce
Better Taste
According to the website, the flavor in produce is most pronounced immediately after picking and begins to wane after a few days. states that most food travels around 1,500 miles between being picked and being consumed, which may affect the taste of the produce.
Higher Nutrient Content
Food is highest in nutrients like vitamins and minerals right after picking and begins to lose nutritional content shortly thereafter. Unless produce is flash frozen to seal in nutrient quality, it may have fewer nutrients by the time it reaches supermarket shelves. Organic fresh produce has been shown to contain 10 to 50 percent more phytonutrients (essential plant compounds) than traditional produce, according to
Fewer Additives
Fresh produce that is organic or sold at local produce venues is less likely to contain additives to extend the shelf life of the food. In addition, fresh local produce is less likely to have undergone genetic modification.
Reduction of Health Risks
Consumption of fresh produce has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and heart attack, according to the May 1998 issue of the medical journal Epidemiology and the September 1996 issue of the British Medical Journal.