Cinnamon Health Advantages
According to The World's Healthiest Foods, cinnamon has anti-microbial properties that inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria such as bacillus cereus. Cinnamon also helps to stop the growth of candida, which is an aggressive yeast. Laboratory tests have shown that cinnamon can in some cases match the effectiveness of anti-fungal prescription medications. Many naturopathic doctors prescribe cinnamon to their patients because it is a food as well as a medicine. You can benefit from these health effects by adding cinnamon to common foods or chewing on tablets.
Cinnamon also has anti-clotting abilities. Blood clots are a dangerous problem that is more likely to occur with age or after an injury or surgery. The body tries to deal with blood clots and dissipate them, but clots can become too large and travel to other areas of the body like the heart, brain and lungs. This can result in a stroke or death.
Cinnamaldehyde is a component in cinnamon that has anti-clotting abilities and helps to inhibit clumping of blood platelets. In addition, cinnamon helps to reduce inflammation, which is essential to preventing disease.
Cinnamon is also a very nutrient-dense spice. The World's Healthiest Foods states that cinnamon is a great source of manganese, which is a trace mineral. Cinnamon also contains calcium, iron and dietary fiber. Calcium improves bone health and fiber is vital for healthy digestion. Many people simply take cinnamon to relieve constipation and other digestive upsets. Seasoning your food with this spice can also help to control blood sugar levels.
The University of California says cinnamon may help alleviate diabetes due to its insulin-like activity. People with type two diabetes develop a resistance to insulin, preventing the cells from receiving much-needed glucose. More research needs to be done, but so far the results show that cinnamon may help reduce insulin resistance.