What Foods & Liquids Should Be Consumed for a Healthy Kidney?
Low Protein
Too much protein can cause problems for kidney disease. A high quality protein that is also a lean protein is the best option. Egg whites are an excellent source of a pure protein that is easily digested. Fish also provides a good source of lean protein for a healthy kidney diet. Fish has many healthy fats that are good for your heart.
Low Sodium
Excessive salt intake is not healthy for your kidney when you have kidney disease. Limit consumption of items that are processed, canned and pickled. If salt is listed in the first few ingredients on the nutrition label, then avoid that item. Healthier options for a healthy kidney are high fiber fruits and vegetables. Some good choices are red peppers, apples, blueberries and cauliflower.
Low Phosphorus
It is also important to limit phosphorus in your diet. Try to limit your daily intake of dairy products, such as cheese and milk. Nuts and seeds are also important foods to avoid because they are also high in phosphorus. Healthier alternatives to dairy products include non-dairy items such as rice milk and nondairy creamer. Popcorn is another option to replace nuts and seeds.
Limited Fluids
It is also important to limit the amount of fluids in your diet. Try to limit your fluid consumption to 48 fluid oz. a day. Also try to limit your daily caffeine intake.