Flax Oil & Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder disease occurs if bile becomes supersaturated with cholesterol and forms gallstones inside the gallbladder. Another disease erupts when a gallstone obstructs the bile duct and the wall of the gallbladder becomes inflamed. The term, "gallbladder disease," includes gallstones, inflammation, local infections or gallbladder-emptying problems. When the flow of bile out of the gallbladder is interrupted, disease results.
raw beets for bile flow To prevent further gallstone formation or gallbladder disease, consume foods that improve bile flow. Such foods are flax oil, as a salad dressing, olive oil, beets, globe artichokes and dandelion greens.
Olive oil is not an omega-3 oil, and therefore flax oil with its attributes is more healthful. Fish oil, an omega-3 oil, is not palatable enough to use on a salad.
Some practitioners promote gallbladder flushes, which involve drinking four to six ounces of olive oil before bedtime and noting passage of stones.
Substituting flax oil for olive oil and doing a gallbladder flush may come to mind. Drs. Pizzorno and Murray, however, indicate that a large amount of any oil contracts the gallbladder, increasing risk of a stone blocking the bile duct and subsequent cholecystitis, requiring surgery to prevent death.
The same doctors emphasize that passage of what looks like a gallstone is actually a complex of minerals, oil and lemon juice.
Mix finely grated raw beets from one peeled beetroot with the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of flax oil. Take one teaspoonful of the mixture three or four times a day.
Employ flax oil as a salad dressing or mix it into low-fat cottage cheese.
The nutritional recommendations above are not offered to cure disease. The information should be used in conjunction with the services of a medical doctor.