Foods High in Good Cholestorol
Raw Onions
Maybe not so good for the breath, but good for the heart! Raw Onions. Eating half a raw onion a day raises the HDL cholesterol level by as much as 25 percent in people with problem levels of cholesterol.
Fish oil supplements can help. Fish, in particular high-fat fish, are rich in HDL cholesterol. Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and sea bass are excellent sources for good cholesterol, and should be featured in the diet of anyone trying to raise HDL levels. Fish oil in the form of capsules or liquid can also help, although this seems to work best over a longer period of time.
Healthy Oils
Choose wisely when cooking with oils. Use oils that contain unsaturated fats, such as canola oil, sunflower oil, cold-pressed flaxseed oil and olive oil. These can help to raise HDL levels, especially when they replace less healthy oils in the diet.
A glass a day may be good for your heart. Low to moderate alcohol use, no more than one to two drinks a day, has been shown to raise HDL levels. This advice is controversial because of the potential of alcohol to have adverse health effects. Red wine seems particularly good at raising HDL levels.
Grapes are heart-healthy Purple-skinned fruits such as grapes can raise HDL cholesterol levels.
Tofu is versatile and HDL friendly Soy products known as phytoestrogens can help raise HDL levels. Tofu and tempeh are good sources of soy.
Green Vegetables
Eat your greens. Dark green vegetables contain the same Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and can also raise the HDL levels.