How to Use Naturopathy for Cat Constipation

Interested in treating your cat's constipation the natural way? There are a few things you should consider before you begin. While constipation in cats is a fairly common occurrence, it is imperative to rule out more dangerous conditions when dealing with a potentially constipated cat. This can be difficult and often requires a veterinary exam, as the symptoms of constipation are quite similar to that of a urinary tract infection or urinary blockage. Symptoms include straining in the litter box, licking the anus, defecating or urinating in places outside the litter box, excessive yowling and changes in sleep patterns. According to, most healthy cats defecate one to two times daily.


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      There are multiple causes for constipation in cats.

      Find and eliminate the source of constipation. Constipation results from an excessive accumulation of feces in the bowels, caused by one or more of the following: ingested hairballs, particularly common in long-haired cats; ingested foreign bodies, such as plastic, rubber or yarn; an obstruction caused by tumors, masses or scarring that reduces the size of the small intestine; injuries to the pelvis, narrowing the pelvic canal; reduced nerve supply to the large bowel, often indicative of a more serious nerve disease; or changes in diet or the amount of food being fed.

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      Consult you vet before beginning a naturopathic regime. Every pet is different and has the potential to react differently to medications. Just because something is natural doesn't necessarily mean it is safe for your pet.

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      The natural way

      Take a natural approach to constipation only after consulting your veterinarian. Popular naturopathic products include digestion enzyme aids, which help restore good bacteria and assist with digestion. Enzymes are also used to treat chronic illnesses, particularly in elderly cats. In addition, Constipation Relief loosens stools quickly and is appropriate for multiple species of all ages, while HerbaLax is a mild herbal laxative that can be added to meals and may be used on a long-term basis. Finally, Megacolon Relief repairs and strengthens nerves and muscles, and can be used to treat intestinal obstructions and even paralysis, though its most common use is for chronic constipation.

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      Pursue further diagnostics for chronic symptoms.

      Pursue further diagnostics if your cat shows signs of lethargy, vomiting and loss of appetite. While a veterinarian can easily detect constipation, cases of chronic constipation may warrant further diagnostics, such as x-rays of the pelvis and abdomen. X-rays are particularly helpful in revealing more serious ailments---such as tumors and blockages---of which constipation may merely be a symptom.

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