What Are the Benefits of Lime Juice?
Lime juice can add a tremendous amount of flavor to any type of food, not to mention an added zing to mixed drinks. Added to fruit salads, lime juice helps retain the color of fruit, and gives the salad a tart flavor. Mixed with sauces, soups or dressing, lime juice gives the meal an overall zest you can instantly taste.
Constipation and Digestive Disorders
Taken first thing in the morning, 1 tsp. of lime juice with a glass of warm water has the ability to ease constipation. Limes contain flavanoids, unique anti-viral, anti-oxidant compounds that stimulate digestion and reduce stomach acidity, clearing out toxins in the bowel tracts.
Effective in weight reduction due to the sedative effect it has on nerves, lime juice contains anti-oxidants and citric acid, which help burn fat. A combination of lime juice, water and honey taken every morning, in addition to a low-calorie diet, has been known to assist with weight loss over the span of two to three months.
With up to 73mg of vitamin C in 1 cup of lime juice, it acts as a collagen synthesizer, beneficial for the skin because of its tendency to rejuvenate and reduce body odor. When applied externally, it gets rid of dead skin cells, restores moisture to cracked, dry skin, and heals bruises or rashes.
Lime juice is extremely beneficial in curing eye disorders. Diluted with water, a couple of drops of lime juice in the eye can cure the swelling of the membranes lining the eyelids that cause pink eye, and is capable of preventing cataracts and macular degeneration.
Gum disease usually results due to vitamin C deficiency. Lime juice, rife with vitamin C, helps inhibit microbial growth, the cause of swollen gums. Diluted with warm water and a pinch of rock salt, lime juice will replenish the deficiency and restore damaged gum tissue.
In addition to its many health benefits, lime juice can be used as an efficient household cleaning product. The citric acid has been known to remove calcium deposits in tea kettles and rid tarnish from brass. Squeezing lime juice over a bit of baking soda results is a highly effective stovetop detergent. For oven cleaning, you can also make a paste out of lime juice, baking soda and salt to get rid of grit after wiping down the oven with a damp sponge.