What Minerals Are Found in Saltwater Fish?
Saltwater seafood is an excellent source of calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones. Some species--like ocean perch or blue crab--offer as much as 10 percent of the recommended daily values for calcium intake in a single serving. Experts ranging from Dr. Isabel Martinez-Valverde, a food and nutrition expert at Murcia University, to Dr. Bill Sears, an expert pediatrician, note that fish such as salmon--which spawns in fresh water but spends its life in cold ocean waters--are especially good sources of calcium. Fresh salmon has soft bones, and canned salmon contains ground-up bones, both of which increase the natural calcium content of fish. Saltwater shellfish such as oysters, clams, lobster and shrimp also provide significant amounts of calcium, up to 8 percent of the mineral's recommended intake in a serving, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Mackerel, swordfish, shrimp and clams are among the highest seafood sources of iron, reports Dr. Bill Sears. Iron plays an important role by helping deliver oxygen to cells and regulating cell growth in the body. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a three-ounce serving of shellfish can provide anywhere from a third to almost half of the recommended daily intake of iron, compared to about 15 percent of recommended daily values in the same-sized serving of beef tenderloin. Even saltwater fish that experts rate as low in iron, such as snapper, sea bass or orange roughy, still offer between 2 and 4 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron in a single serving--roughly the equivalent of an egg.
Saltwater fish contain potassium in varying amounts, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Potassium helps maintain the body's electrolyte balance as well as regulate muscle contraction and nerve transmission. A standard three-ounce serving of some saltwater fish, such as halibut, tuna, salmon or cod, offers between 13 and 15 percent of the recommended daily intake of potassium. That is roughly the equivalent of a cup of yogurt or a baked potato with the skin on.