Bad Effects of Using Coconut Oil

It is good for the skin, works as an anti-fungal agent and tastes good, which are all good reasons to use coconut oil. But while its benefits have been well researched, there has been little research done on the negative effects of coconut oil, with a few studies providing conflicting information. What little research that has been indicates that negative reactions to coconut oil seem to be rare. However, you should consult with your doctor if you have questions about using products containing coconut oil.
  1. Coconut Oil

    • Coconut oil is most often used in cooking.

      Coconut oil is made by extracting the meat from the inside of a ripe coconut and refining it. Coconut oil is traditionally used in cooking, though it is also used to treat hyper-pigmentation in the skin and is found in an increasing number of beauty products.


    • Because coconut oil contains saturated fat, early studies implied that it could raise cholesterol levels and contribute to heart disease. Subsequent studies seem to show that coconut oil has no real impact on cholesterol levels. In fact, in some cases it has caused a minor reduction in cholesterol levels. Studies on the effects of coconut nut oil are still ongoing. Consequently, you should not expect coconut oil to decrease cholesterol.


    • Allergic reactions to coconut oil are rare.

      Allergic reactions to coconut oil are rare but can include a runny nose, itching in the mouth, a skin rash and hives. In extreme cases coconut oil can cause anaphylactic shock, a condition that causes shortness of breath and death if not treated immediately.

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