Natural Foods That Promote Physical Energy
Protein and Carbohydrates
Proteins and complex carbohydrates take longer for the body to break down, so you don't experience spikes in energy. Instead your body is fueled by a gradual release of energy. Natural carbohydrates that promote energy include sweet potatoes, lentils, peas, beans, bran and whole grain wheat. Healthy, natural proteins are found in nuts, fish, meats, cheese, yogurt and eggs. For longer-lasting energy, eat protein and carbohydrates together. Try hummus on a whole grain tortilla or low-fat yogurt and granola.
Fruits and Vegetables
As a general rule, colorful fruits and vegetables are full of energy-boosting nutrients. Many are considered "superfoods," such as blueberries, strawberries, oranges, broccoli, mango, cantaloupe, cabbage, kale and watermelon. The key is to find what you like and make it convenient. Keep containers of cleaned veggies in the refrigerator at eye level. If you like to dip try trading out the ranch for hummus, almond butter or yogurt. Fruits are a great way to satisfy a sweet craving. A fruit or vegetable smoothie, made with low-fat yogurt or milk, is an energy treat that breaks down the nutrient-rich cell walls of the fruit and makes it easier for your body to absorb. Not only will fruit and vegetables give you a boost of energy, they may reduce your risk for stroke, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers, according to the USDA.
Be sure you don't include too much fat in your diet because foods high in fat stimulate production of the brain chemical serotonin and make you feel sluggish and tired. Good fats that promote physical energy are Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats found in olive oil, canola oil, fish oils, flax seeds, avocados and nuts.
Dehydration can rob you of energy and other benefits of natural food. Just a 5 percent drop in body fluids will cause a 25 to 30 percent loss of energy. Most people don't even realize that they are dehydrated. So if you're feeling a little low, drink a glass of water instead of a soft drink. It may be the jolt you really need.