Seven-Day Brown Rice Cleansing Diet
What to Eat
You should eat more than just rice on a seven-day brown rice cleansing diet, including any fruit except bananas and any vegetable except mushrooms or corn. All fruits and vegetables you eat must be fresh and organic, and no canned or frozen fruits or vegetables are allowed. Vegetables should be eaten raw, lightly steamed, or oven roasted. A few herbs and spices and a small amount of olive oil are allowed. You may drink as much water, fresh-squeezed fruit juice, decaffeinated herbal tea, or water with lemon or ginger as you like.
Preparing the Rice
It is important to cook the rice thoroughly to make it easily digestible. Soaking the rice overnight before cooking helps to soften the bran in the rice grains. Cooking brown rice will typically take longer than white rice because of its higher fiber content. Be sure that the rice you cook is soft.
Outline of Meals
The following are some examples of meals you might eat on a seven-day brown rice diet (the diet is flexible and you can eat what you like, when you like, as long as you stick to the basic foods allowed): For breakfast, have fruit and fruit juice, herbal tea, or lemon water. Eat brown rice, fruit, or steamed vegetables with herbs or spices for lunch. As a snack, you can have raw vegetables or a whole fruit. Steamed or baked vegetables with brown rice is a great dish for dinner.
The amount of food you eat is up to you, as long as you stick to these types of foods for seven days.