Why Do I Get Indigestion When I Drink Water?
Don't Drink During Meals
Mixing liquid with food in your stomach can lead to digestion problems. It can slow digestion. Water can dilute the gastric acid your stomach needs to produce, and that can cause incomplete digestion.
Swallowing Air
Be careful not to swallow air if you chew gum. If you ever want to burp on cue, just swallow some air. Swallowing excess air can happen when we chew gum, eat with our mouths open or drink fluids through a straw. Swallowing air also can cause heartburn in some people.
Slow Down
Try not to guzzle your water. Guzzling beverages of any kind can cause gas and bloating. If you drink too quickly, your chances of swallowing air increases.
Drink plenty of water, slowly, before and after meals.
Extra Flavor
If you're not a big fan of water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime in your glass, or cut up cucumbers and put them in a pitcher of cold water for a twist.