List of Onqi Rated Foods
"Perfect" ONQI Foods
Fruits like raw broccoli, oranges, strawberries, pineapples, and mustard greens all score a 100 on the ONQI list, so stock up on these each time you go food shopping. Mustard greens compliment meat dishes like pot roast, lamb chops and steaks well. You can use the strawberries and pineapples to make a refreshing breakfast smoothie. The more you try different combinations of these foods, the more inclined you'll be to pick these "perfect" fruits and vegetables each time you're at the grocery store.
Foods High on the ONQI List
If you believe in the apple a day theory, you'll be happy to know that apples of all kinds receive the grade of 96 on ONQI scale, along with green cabbage and tomatoes. Mangoes, watermelon and bananas are in the 90s as well, which means they should be included in the diet often. Try to eat at least two servings of these foods throughout the day, and incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your snacks to get all your necessary daily nutrients.
Foods Low on the ONQI List
Of course, processed foods that contain a number of synthetic chemicals don't receive a passing grade according to ONQI. Do your best to stay away from hot dogs, white bread, salami and diet sodas. These contain little nutritional value, and have been known to raise blood sugar and cause extreme fatigue and migraines. Whole grains are a much better choice when it comes to bread and pasta, and free range meats fare much better processed meats.
Additional Information
Before a food receives an ONQI rated, it is evaluated for the fiber and folate content, as well as vitamins B12, B6, A and C. Fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts that are low in sodium and sugar are graded high in most cases, and fat quality is also tested. The ONQI system allows you to immediately test your foods before you leave the store so that you can stick to your diet goals. Talk talk to your local grocery store assistant to get written information on NuVal so that you can become familiar with using the system.