What are the Benefits of Juicing a Cabbage?
One of the major cabbage juice benefits is that a 3.5 oz. serving contains 269 milligrams of potassium, which is about six percent of an adult's recommended daily amount. Potassium helps control blood pressure and reduces the risk of kidney stones. It also balances the fluids in the body's cells.
Cabbage juice offers a small amount of iron--about one milligram per 3.5 oz. serving, or two percent of an adult male's recommended daily amount. Iron, which is a key component in red blood cells and aids in preventing anemia, is an important mineral and every little bit helps. To help the body absorb the iron in cabbage juice, make sure to pair it with a citrus juice. The acid in the citrus breaks down the iron, making it easier for the body to process.
Vitamin A
A 3.5 oz. serving of cabbage juice has 200 IU of vitamin A, which is about seven percent of an adult male's recommended daily amount. This great benefit of cabbage juice promotes healthy vision by helping eyes adjust from darkness to light and keeping eyes, skin and mucus membranes moist. It also boosts the immune system by neutralizing free radicals that cause illness and tissue damage.
Vitamin C
Cabbage juice contains 55 milligrams of vitamin C per 3.5 oz. serving, which is about 61 percent of an adult male's recommended daily amount. Vitamin C bolsters the immune system and helps heal wounds more quickly. The cabbage juice benefit also promotes healthy teeth and gums and protects against cell damage.
A 3.5 oz. serving of cabbage juice includes 67 milligrams of calcium, about seven percent of an adult male's recommended daily amount. This is valuable for those who do not consume dairy products, which is where the mineral is usually obtained. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, promotes blood clotting, eases muscle contraction and aids in the transmission of nerve signals.