Benefits of Juicing Kale
Kale juice is a concentrated source of iron, which helps ward off anemia by carrying oxygen to blood cells. To maximize this kale juice benefit, make sure to add some citrus juice. The acid in the citrus breaks down the iron, making it easier for the human body to absorb the full amount of it from the kale juice.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another benefit of kale juice. This essential vitamin promotes a healthy immune system and and protects against cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C also helps ward against vision issues, including eye diseases, and prenatal health problems.
Vitamin A
Kale juice is an excellent source of vitamin A. Vitamin A, which is mainly found in animal products, helps eyes function normally. The antioxidants in Vitamin A neutralize free radicals that can damage the body, helping it to guard against illness and cell damage.
Calcium, which is one of the major benefits of juicing kale, helps the body develop healthy bones and teeth. It also aids in blood clotting, healthy muscle function and the transmission of nerve signals. Calcium is mainly found in animal products, so kale juice can be extraordinarily helpful for those who do not consume dairy-based items.