Benefits of Juicing Spinach
Spinach juice contains 3.1 mg of iron per 3.5 oz. serving, which is quite high for a non-animal-based food. Having healthy iron intake promotes blood health and prevents anemia. However, getting your body to absorb the bulk of the iron from the juice can be tricky. Make sure to combine spinach juice with a bit of citrus juice. The acid in citrus breaks down the iron in the spinach, making it easier for your body to take in.
A 3.5 oz. serving of spinach juice offers 51 mg of phosphorus. This high amount of phosphorus is a particularly valuable spinach juice benefit because the mineral helps to duplicate DNA and RNA. Additionally, phosphorus supports strong bones and teeth and promotes kidney health.
Spinach juice has 88 mg of magnesium per serving. Magnesium helps support healthy bone structure and aids in muscle function. It is especially important for those with restless leg syndrome or muscle fatigue.
A serving of spinach juice contains 93 mg of calcium, which is vital for building strong bones and teeth. This health benefit of spinach juice can really help vegetarians and the lactose intolerant. Getting calcium through vegetables is especially important for those who do not consume dairy products.
A 3.5 oz. glass of spinach juice is a strong source of vitamins A, C, E and K. Vitamin A, which mainly comes from animal products, contributes to eye and skin health. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps heal wounds and promotes good oral health. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals in the body and is a key component in a healthy circulatory system. Vitamin K aids in blood clotting and kidney function.
Laxative Effect
Spinach juice has a mild laxative effect that can be helpful for those who are having digestive issues. Adding spinach juice to a daily regimen keeps the digestive tract moving smoothly and evenly.