Fructose Vs. Aspartame
Caloric Content
Crystalline fructose, which is not the same as high-fructose corn syrup, contains 15 calories per teaspoon. A serving -size packet of Equal-brand aspartame has no calories.
Glycemic Index
Crystalline fructose features a healthy glycemic index (GI) of 23. Since aspartame contains no carbohydrates, it does not have a GI rating.
Crystalline fructose looks like sugar and tastes slightly sweeter. Aspartame tastes 200 times sweeter, so only a tiny amount is needed for sweetening.
Cooking and Baking
Crystalline fructose substitutes for sugar equally in most recipes, although some people prefer to use a bit less. One-half packet of Equal-brand aspartame equals one teaspoon of sugar.
Side Effects
Like sugar, excessive amounts of fructose contribute to the glycation of protein tissues in the body. While the manufacturers of Equal insist on the safety profile of aspartame, some neuroscientists who have studied it, such as Dr. John Olney, conclude that it can lead to significant brain damage.